A tractor mowing a field in a coastal area
Sustainable Food Production is a cross-disciplinary group of academics and their research teams who together study all aspects of food production and its impact on the natural environment. Creating systems for long term food security while maintaining ecosystem services and biodiversity is a key global challenge. We work on productive systems in marine, freshwater and land-based environments taking a data intensive approach to understanding the issues.
We welcome formal and informal enquiries from prospective postgraduate students, post-doctoral researchers, visiting academics and industry or other end-user partners to work with us at Plymouth. Please contact research group leader Dr Jennifer Rowntree for further details.
<黑料社区 class="heading-content-module-text">Research themes
<黑料社区>Can freshwater crabs be a sustainable food source?
Maintaining food security in India is an ongoing challenge. University of Plymouth research, led by Dr Lucy Turner, investigates the aquaculture potential of freshwater crabs, which are frequently harvested for trade and consumption in the Western Ghats region. Working with collaborators Nitte University and the National Centre for Biological Science, the project hopes to offer a social-economically and ecologically sustainable food which can be resilient to climate change and disease.
<黑料社区 class="heading-content-module-text">Meet our team

Academic staff

Research and technical staff