Houses of Parliament, Westminster
The University of Plymouth has a prestigious record of engaging with and influencing policy, from legislation on microplastics, to innovation in offshore renewable energy and improving the health of coastal communities.
We work with local, regional, national and international partners across a range of complex policy issues including soil erosion, anti-microbial resistance and digital interventions for people with Parkinson鈥檚 disease. Our academics regularly brief Parliamentary Select Committees and All-Party Parliamentary Groups, engage with Government officials, and provide evidence for Government policy consultations and 'POSTnotes' issued to Parliamentarians by the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology. Policy engagement also occurs through academic membership of National and Regional bodies, such as the Microbiology Society Council and the Integrated Care Board for Devon.
To find out more about public policy engagement at the University of Plymouth, please contact Dr Rosie Langridge
Following the success of our workshops last year, we are now running four workshops relating to Policy Engagement and confidence in building your policy network.
(UoP log-in required)
<黑料社区 class="heading-content-module-text">Spotlight on policy impact
<黑料社区>International Marine Litter Research Unit
Since the first publication on microplastics in 2004, our academics have dedicated much of the last two decades to understanding the global distribution, abundance and environmental impacts of marine plastic pollution.
Their research has influenced policy worldwide, informing the new UN Global Plastics Pollution Treaty. The International Marine Litter Unit (IMLRU) team are now working to provide the evidence to drive a solutions-oriented approach to this global crisis, starting with the design stage of plastics.
Chesil Beach with marine litter.
<黑料社区>Engaging with Policy: information for academic researchers
Our policy engagement toolkit provides academics with information on the policy environment and how policy making works. Providing knowledge and evidence to policy makers can help to change policy and impact substantially on society. Engaging with evidence-based policy making can also help to enhance your research profile to strengthen grant applications.听
Man giving evidence
<黑料社区>Public policy news
(L-R) Professor Ewen McColl, Head of Peninsula Dental School; Johnny Mercer MP; Helen Whateley MP; Professor Rob Witton, Chief Executive of PDSE; and Nathan Findlay, Chief Operating Officer of PDSE
Government Minister visits Dental School

Helen Whateley MP meets the University of Plymouth team to hear about its innovative work

16 May 2024
<黑料社区>Strategic Research Institutes

Our diverse research spans three Strategic Institutes. Collaborative endeavour in rich, natural environments drives solutions to global challenges.

Richard Thompson Plymouth Pioneers. plastic bottle in sea

Marine Institute
Marine, maritime, education and innovation expertise integrates to train scientists, engineers, policymakers, artists, technicians and business.

Covid-19. Getty image. Use only on homepage feature panel

Plymouth Institute of Health and Care Research
Transformations in life course, ageing, methodologies, e-health, technology and interventions in health, social care, lifestyle, health and wellbeing.

Research with the School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences

Sustainable Earth Institute
Science, engineering, arts, humanities, health and business, with community, businesses and individuals, innovate to build resilience for our planet.